Friday, July 17, 2015


After taking Quinn to their room:
Sam: -Turns around to look at Quinn once they are at the end of their bed-
Quinn: -Goes to stand in front of him before stepping closer to him and putting her hand on his chest-
Sam: -Goes to grab her waist and then leans in to kiss his beautiful wife softly- I love you Quinn and you are my beautiful wife forever okay? I want you to be mine forever. Nothing will split us up because you are the woman I love.
Quinn: -Nods and then goes to kiss him softly-
Sam: -Tugs her right up against his chest and then wraps his arms around her-
Quinn: -Goes to run her hand down his chest and kisses him smiling-

Sam: -Goes to grab her shirt and then goes to take it off, throwing it away-
Quinn: -Smiles at him-
Sam: -Grabs her waist again and then leans in to kiss her neck-
Quinn: -Grabs the back of his head and moans-
Sam: -Goes to pick her up in his arms and then goes to carry her to their bed so he can lay her down- I love you Quinn.
Quinn: I love you too Sam. -Turns her head and then leans in to kiss him softly-

Sam: -Goes to lay her down in bed smiling-
Quinn: -Smiles as she looks up at him-
Sam: -Moves to lean over her and then goes to kiss her stomach, and all the way down to her jeans- Tell me stop if you don't want to go all the way.
Quinn: Lets just see how it goes.
Sam: -Goes to undo her jeans smiling and then slips them off-

Quinn: -Watches him smiling-
Sam: -Moves to lean over her again and then kisses her softly before getting in bed on top of her-
Quinn: -SMiles as she feels him get in on top of her on all fours-

Chapter 460

Once Sam is in bed:
Sam: -Moves to sit up and then takes off his shirt-
Quinn: -Watches him smiling and then its up to undo his jeans-
Sam: -Watches her and then grabs her neck before laying her back down. He then lays down next to her and tugs her close-
Quinn: -Puts her hand on his chest smiling-
Sam: -Extends his arm andgrabs her waist- I love you so much Quinn and nothing will ever tear us apart.
Quinn: -Smiles at him-
Sam: -Moves to lean down and kisses her neck softly while rubbing her arm-
Quinn: -Puts her hand on his chest as she moans his name- Oh Sam.

Sam: -Smiles as he stops kissing her neck and then turns his head to kiss her softly-
Quinn: -Moans as she feels her husband kiss her slowly in bed while also making love to her, enjoying the pleasure and relief she is feeling-

Chapter 461

After making love to Quinn as Sam holds her in his arms;
Sam: -Holding Quinn in his arms as he lays down after putting his boxers on-
Quinn: -Rubs his chest as she lays her head down on his shoulder, deep in thought-
Sam: -Goes to tug the covers up and wraps his arm around her before kissing her head- What are you thinking about Quinn?
Quinn: -Slips up his chest and then looks up at him before putting her hand on his chest- How lucky I feel to have such a wonderful, caring, compassionate, loving husband? And just how you can stand by me through this time even though it's so hard.
Sam: -Goes to scratch her arm and then leans in to kiss her softly- Quinn, this is something we need to get through together. You are the love of my life Quinn. I promise that I will always be by your side because we share something special together.
Quinn: A beautiful daughter?
Sam: No, a mutual love for each other and nobody else. When I think of you Quinn, I think of how lucky I am to have you as my wife after everything we have been through. Our marriage has not been the most happy one lately but I am fine with that if you are because all that matters is that the woman in my arms is you.
Quinn: -Smiles at him and then goes to rub his chest while laying her head down-
Sam: -Goes to kiss her shoulder softly and then turns his head to kiss her smiling- Listen, I'm getting a little hungry so what do you say I go make us some supper and then, we can eat here together before me and you go take a nice bath together? And then tonight, we just sit here together as I kiss you slowly.
Quinn: -Smiles at him- Lets go do the bath first okay? That way, we are done getting undressed. Plus, I want to feel your hands wash me now.
Sam: -Smiles at her and then goes to get up- Here, let me start the bath and then you can come see me when you have your robe on. -Walks over to grab his towel smiling and wraps it around his waist before taking his boxers off- Don't be long.
Quinn: -Smiles at him and sees him put his boxers down--
Sam: -Walks away to their washroom smiling to go take a bath-

Chapter 462

After getting the bath set up as Sam waits for Quinn:
Sam: -Checks the water one last time as he lights the candles before going to shut off the lights-
Quinn: -Walks in as he shuts off the lights- Wow.
Sam: -Smiles when he sees her come in wearing her robe-
Quinn: Sam, this is beautiful. -Walks over to the bath and looks at it-
Sam: -Goes to walk over to her and then stands in front of her before rubbing her arm- I love you Quinn and I am glad we just did that. I have missed that touch.
Quinn: -Smiles as she steps close to him and then goes to kiss him softly while rubbing his chest-
Sam: -Wraps his arms around her and then kisses her smiling-

Quinn: -Breaks the kiss and runs her hand down his chest- Sam, I am just a litle worried now. I mean, what if we do get pregnant.
Sam: Can I tell you a secret?
Quinn: What?
Sam: -Looks at her- I had a feeling today that we might be sexual. I know I said that I would never wear one anymore but....
Quinn: -Steps close to him and goes to kiss him again- Thank you.
Sam: You aren't mad?
Quinn: -Smiles- Sam, you made the right decision. You took precautions and I am happy. Listen, lets not wreck this beautiful mood you have set up and lets get int he bath together. Tonight, it's all about us just holding each other close and we can watch tv. Trust me, I have had enough love for a little while.
Sam: -Smiles- And Quinn, just to let you know, if the protection didn't work, this is our last one okay?
Quinn: -Smiles at him and then goes to get in the bath with him-
Sam: -Smiles at her and then goes to get in the bath as well-

Note: Next Chapter, I am skipping 3 weeks into the year to address something discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 463

3 weeks later after Quinn takes a pregnancy test:
Quinn: -Sitting in the washroom, nervous after taking her shower-
Sam: -Comes to knock on the door- Quinn, you okay?
Quinn: -Sees the results come up on her Clear Blue test and then goes to read them- Oh thank god.
Sam: -Decides to grab the key they keep in case of emergencies and walks in- Everything okay?
Quinn: -Turns to look at him- How did you get in here?

Sam: There is a spare key. Is everything okay?
Quinn: -Smiles and goes to grab his hand- Everything is great.
Sam: Why do you sound so relieved?
Quinn: It came back negative.
Sam: -Goes to look at the test- Oh, you took a test.

Quinn: You didn't want one yet right?
Sam: -Smiles at her- Not yet. -Walks over to her and hugs her before kissing her softly- I love you.
Quinn: -Smiles as she goes to lay her head down-
Sam: -Smiles- Listen, Beth is already up and she is waiting for you out there. I gave her a toy.

Quinn: Did you feed her?
Sam: Not yet. But today, I want to take her into the pool okay?
Quinn: Sam, you know how young she is. I mean, 6 weeks is too yong.
Sam: -Nods- Okay. Want to go out though? It is a beautiful day outside.
Quinn: I guess we can go for a walk. I mean, why stay inside?
Sam: -Nods smiling- Let me take a shower and then I will come see you outside okay?
Quinn: -Nods smiling and goes to kiss him softly-
Sam: -Smiles as he kisses his wife slowly before letting her go-
Quinn: -Smiles as she leaves to go see Beth, closing the door-
Sam: -Takes off his towel once he hears the door close and gets in the shower-

Chapter 464

After taking his shower when Sam comes out to their room:
Sam: -Walks out to see Quinn crying in bed as she looks at the pregnancy test-
Quinn: -Secretly wanted to get pregnant again-
Sam: -Walks over to her worried so he sits down next to her and goes to rub her arm- Quinn? You okay?
Quinn: -Looks up at him with tears in her eyes-
Sam: -Looks at her- Hey, why are you crying?
Quinn: -Looks at him- The truth is Sam, I wanted to get pregnant.
Sam: -Goes to put a strand of hair being her ear and then goes to kiss her softly- Then why did you lie in there?

Quinn: Because you said you didn't.
Sam: Listen Quinn, we are young. I love you and we have a beautiful daughter. I can wait for a bigger family with you. Listen, how about today me and you go out for a little alone time?
Quinn: -Nods- I like that idea.
Sam: -Smiles at her- Let me get dressed and I will talk to my mom. Or yours.

Quinn: -Nods- Don't tell her about the test kay?
Sam: Okay. -Gets up and then goes to get dressed-
Quinn: -Sighs, looking at him as he goes to get dressed-
Sam: -Turns to look at her when he hears her sigh and then walks back over to her. He then leans down and kisses her softly- Just relax and I will take care of you today. We will go to a park and just relax alone, together.
Quinn: -Smiles and then lets him go- I love you.
Sam: I love you too. -Goes to get dressed smiling so that he can talk to his parents-

Chapter 465.1

After getting changed as Sam comes to see Quinn still in bed:
Quinn: -Thinking about what could've gone wrong because she knows she was able to get pregnant-
Sam: -Looks at her- Hey so, you want to eat breakfast here or do you want to go to Starbucks? I have some cash saved up.
Quinn: -Doesn't hear him-
Sam: -Notices she is staring into space- Quinn...-Walks over to her concerned-

Quinn: -Sees him walk over-
Sam: -Goes to sit next to her and then grabs her hand- Look at me Quinn
Quinn: -Sits up and then looks at him-
Sam: Today, I will try and get a day to ourselves. Or do you want to bring Beth? -Looks at her on the bed smiling, seeing her sleep on the bed-
Qunn: -Sighs- Can we bring Beth? I think I just want a day as a family.
Sam: Of course. Listen, you go go take a shower and I will feed her. Then, I will get the stroller and baby bag ready. Take your time. We have all day together and we have years together to come. -Smiles at her and then leans down to kiss her- Years to have more babies.
Quinn: -Grabs his neck and chuckles at him before kissing him again- I love you Sam and I feel so lucky to have you as my husband.
Sam: -Smiles at her-
Quinn: I mean it Sam. There is something about you that just always makes me want to smile even when I am down.
Sam: -Smiles- I like that. Listen, go take a bath and relax. This morning we will relax in here in bed and this afternoon we will go out with Beth. And trust me, I will make you feel so relaxed this morning by doing something for you.
Quinn: And what is that?

Chapter 465.2

Sam: Well, lets just say you should wear some short shorts and a sports bra today.
Quinn: Tell me Sam, I am not getting too sexual.
Sam: Okay, all I was planning to do was hold you in my arms while rubbing some moisturizer all over your skin while scratching your leg and kissing you.
Quinn: That sounds nice but Beth.
Sam: Beth will be on the bed with us and we can play with her.

Quinn: -Smiles- Such a good daddy.
Sam: And I have the weekend off. I told Burt I wanted every other weekend off so that I can spend it with you and Beth. I can't work all the time.
Quinn: Maybe you can start working the late afternoon shift. Then, you can come home for supper.
Sam: Beth normally sleeps then so, I can talk to him about that. Here, how about you let me call him andthen I will make us some breakfast.

Quinn: Actually, you do that okay and watch Beth. I want to say hi to my mom.
Sam: -Smiles- Okay.
Quinn: -Sits up and kisses him smiling before going to get dressed-
Sam: -Smiles as he watches her go before getting up to go check on Beth-
Beth: -Sitting in her seat, playing with the mobile-
Sam: -Smiles at her and then bends down to be close to her, sitting down on the ground-

Chapter 466

When Sam is siting down next to Beth on the ground:
Beth: -Smiles at her dad-
Sam: -Goes to adjust the straps- Hi baby girl, does someone like their baby seat?
Beth: -Just smiles at him-
Sam: -Looks at her smiling and then decides to move the chair- Here, how about we move you somewhere? -Goes to undo the straps and then gets up, picking her up in his arms-
Beth: -Cuddles up to him-
Sam: -Smiles and kisses her head before grabbing the seat- Here, lets put you on the bed where you can sit next to mommy and daddy.
Beth: -Cuddles up to him with her fist on his chest-

Sam: -Carries her chair over and then sets it on the bed. He then goes to get on with Beth in his arms before sitting up. He then goes to lay her down again-
Beth: -Lays down in the baby seat and then looks at him-
Sam: -Does the straps up and then tightens them-
Beth: -Starts to cry when they are too tight-
Sam: Oh, it's okay. That to tight? -Loosens them a bit and then rocks her- That comfortable sweetie?

Quinn: -Comes out of the closet to see that Beth's seat is now on the bed- Sam, why is she on the bed now?
Sam: -Puts his feet up smiling- I thought it would be nice to have her close so that we can hold each other close and still play with her.
Quinn: -Walks over to the bed and smiles at Beth- She looks comfortable.
Sam: I adjusted the straps a bit but yes, she does. -Smiles at her- And you look sexy. -Smiles at her and then goes to grab her hand- Come back soon okay?
Quinn: -Nods smiling before leaving the room to go upstairs-
Sam: -Smiles at his daughter as he watches Quinn walk upstairs-

Chapter 467

After getting breakfast for herself and Sam as Quinn comes back:
Sam: -Watching some tv and starts to yell- C'mon, that was a touchdown! Offside my ass.
Quinn: -Chuckles as she walks in-
Sam: Oh, sorry. -Turns to look at her-
Quinn: Miss football?
Sam: No. I just like to watch it now.

Quinn: -Smiles as she walks over to him and then gives him the food- Here, put this on the bed next to you.
Sam: -Goes to sit up first and then smiles at her while putting the food down-
Quinn: -Moves to sit next to him and then grabs a plate again- Not yet okay? I still need to go put the dishes away after.
Sam: We can do it later when we go out. Remember? We said we were going out today.

Quinn: Yes, to the park. I mean, we can walk around there with Beth right?
Sam: Which park? If you mean the neighborhood one then we can walk there with the stroller.
Quinn: Of course that's the one I mean. Which other one?
Sam: You don't want to go back to the park where your water broke?
Quinn: You like that park don't you?
Sam: It brings back a lot of memories.
Quinn: -Smiles- I was hoping to go relax at the park down the road. I mean, that is where she will play when she is older so I want to get used to it.
Sam: Okay. -Smiles at her- Lets just eat first and then I will go upstairs to get the stroller ready.
Quinn: -Smiles at him and then starts eating breakfast with him-

Chapter 468.1

While eating breakfast together:
Quinn: -Looks at Beth smiling- You fed Beth already right?
Sam: I thought you did.
Quinn: Sam, you didn't feed her yet?
Sam: Sorry.
Quinn: -Sighs- I will do it after while you are getting the stroller ready.
Sam: I already changed her.

Quinn: Okay, good.
Sam: -Smiles at her and then gets up from the bed. He then leans down and kisses Quinn smiling- I am ready for a great day.
Quinn: -Smiles- Just hurry up and go put the dishes away.
Sam: -Smiles and goes to grab their plates before walking away to do the dishes-
Quinn: -Smiles at him and then shuts off the tv-

Beth: -Looks at her mom as she gets up-
Quinn: -Gets up and then goes to grab the baby bag from her closet, making sure that she has everything- Sam, can you come in here for a minute?
Sam: -Puts the dishes down and then walks back- Everything okay?
Quinn: Yes. Can you just put in some milk bottles in the cooler part of this bag? You remember the one I mean right?
Sam: -Smiles- The things they come up with now right?
Quinn: -Smiles-
Sam: -Looks at her- Hey, can I just ask you something?
Quinn: Always.
Sam: -Walks over to her and then stands next to her near the bed- I just wanted to ask how you have been feeling lately. I keep forgetting to ask.
Quinn: You mean how I feel regarding what happened to get me in the hospital?
Sam: Yes.

Chapter 468.2

Quinn: -Sighs- To be honest, I am happy to be out of the hospital but I am feeling much better. Glad to be home mostly.
Sam: And you haven't had any relases where you felt weird because you would tell me right?
Quinn: Of course. I know how hard it was the first time so, I would never make you go through it again.
Sam: -Smiles and then grabs her hand- I will go through anything for you.
Quinn: -Smiles at him and then steps cloes to him, putting her hand on his chest-
Sam: -Grabs her waist smiling and then leans in to kiss her softly- I love you.
Quinn: I love you too. -Kisses him slowly smiling and then breaks the kiss- Listen, we should get going.
Sam: Lets just hope it doesn't rain this time.
Quinn: -Chuckles-
Sam: Okay, I will go bring the stroller upstairs and then I will see you with Beth?
Quinn: Yes.
Sam: -Smiles as he looks at her- See you soon. -Walks out of their room and then goes to find the stroller-
Quinn: -Looks at Beth smiling and then grabs the baby bag at the same time so she can pack the baby bottles-

Chapter 469

After getting the baby bag ready when Sam is outside with the stroller:
Sam: -Finishes setting it up when he hears his name being called-
Judy: -Comes back from her morning jog- Going out today Sam?
Sam: -Looks up and smiles- Wow Judy, didn't know you worked out.
Judy: -Smiles-
Sam: I used to run every morning. Need to get back in the routine. Work out some mornings though.
Quinn: -Comes out with Beth- How? You are always in bed when I wake up.
Sam: Wake up earlier. That's how.
Quinn: Okay. How was your run mom?
Judy: Good. It's a beautiful day. Great day to go out for a walk with Beth.
Quinn: -Smiles at Sam- Perfect. Uhm, do you wnat to push the stoller or....
Sam: I got it. I have her seat in to face us.
Quinn: -Nods- So, want to get going?
Sam: Sure. -Looks at Judy- See you late okay?
Judy: Family dinner tonight?
Quinn: We would love that mom. -Wraps her arms around Sam's smiling before leaving with him-
Sam: -Leads her out smiling as they go on a family walk-

Chapter 470.1

After leaving the house when Sam and Quinn are on the sidewalk:
Quinn: -Walking next to him smiling as she looks at Beth-
Sam: She sleeping at all? -Goes to adjust the sun shade--
Quinn: -Checks smiling- I believe she is. I think the rocking helps her sleep.

Sam: I would definatively. When my siblings were younger, they always feel asleep once my mom started walking them.
Quinn: -Smiles and rubs his arm-
Sam: Why are you smiling this time Quinn? It always happends when I say something.
Quinn: It's just, whenever you talk about how it was when your siblings were younger, it makes me happy because it allows me to get to know you better. I mean sure, we are married but Sam, you have to admit. We don't know everything about each other.
Sam: Does that worry you at all? I mean...I know you had a rough past at your old school. Sorry, that was just from rumors but I think it was confirmed when you said you prefered to go by your middle name. Did you reinvent yourself or something?

Quinn: -Sighs- Would you be mad if I said yes?

Chapter 470.2

 Sam: -Turns to look at her and stays quiet-
Quinn: Sam, I asked you a question.
Sam: Can I maybe not answer it? I mean, it could cause problems. Then it would drive a wedge between us.
Quinn: Because of how I could interpret your answer?
Sam: Okay, if I answer you have to give me a chance to explain okay? This is a hard Question.
Quinn: Deal. -Smiles-

Sam: -Sighs- I would like to know what happened so I can protect you from being treated that way again. I mean, the name Lucy as really nice. Not that Quinn isn't a beautiful name because it is okay, it's the name of my beautiful wife so...
Quinn: I get it Sam. Remember, I know you really well now because we bonded over the past year during the pregnancy so I know when you are trying to hurt me which is never.
Sam: -Smiles- Okay well uhm, when I hear you reinvented yourself, it does make me worry Quinn but I am also worried because it might cause trouble.
Quinn: How?
Sam: Quinn, the woman I fell in love with is this new uhm persona or can I say it?

Quinn: You what, lets just wait until we are at the park and sitting down okay? I want to talk about this now because you deserve to know.
Sam: Only if we agree that it won't cause a fight.
Quinn: We will not have a fight.
Sam: -Smiles and leads her to the park where he plans to get to know his wife better-

Chapter 471

After arriving at the park when Sam and Quinn find a good spot:
Sam: Is this private enough for you?
Quinn: Why does it need to be private?
Sam: Quinn, the reason I want to talk about who Lucy was because I want to know more about my beautiful wife. But, not everybody has to know.
Quinn: -Turns to look at him-
Sam: But listen, if you don't want to talk about everything then, I don't mind.

Quinn: No, you deserve to knw why I want to go by Quinn.
Sam: Okay, but only if you are comfortable. Can I just tell you first...without you getting mad at me that I feel like I deserve to know the complete truth about why you prefer to go by your middle name as the man who is your husband and is married to both Lucy Fabray-Evans and Quinn Fabray-Evans because they are one and the same.
Quinn: -Nods smiling- Okay, help me put the blanket out and then we will get comfortale.
Sam: -Smiles and leans in to kiss her softly before helping her-
Quinn: -Smiles as they help each other get their stuff unpacked while also thinking about what to say to Sam-

Chapter 472.1

After finding a place to sit down:
Sam: -Grabs the blanket from the strller and goes to put it on the ground so they can sit down-
Quinn: -Holding Beth in her arms smiling- Did you bring the cot or something?
Sam: -Goes to reach in the bottom of the stroller and grabs it- Here we go. -Smiles and then goes to sit down-
Quinn: -Looks at him and then goes to give him Beth- Here, can you set her down?
Sam: -Moves onto his knees and then grabs her before bringing her down into the cot-
Quinn: -Smiles at him-
Sam: -Moves to sit down against a tree and then looks at Quinn: -Goes to sit down in between his legs smiling before putting her hand on his chest and facing him-
Sam: -Smiles at her and then kisses her softly- Can you turn around? I just want to talk right now.
Quinn: Sam, I would rather just sit like this okay? There may be sometimes I need to be able to look in your eyes.
Sam: -Wraps his arm around her smiling- So Quinn, how about you tell me about Lucy Fabray?
Quinn: -Chuckles and grabs his hand- Okay, can we just talk a bit first?
Sam: What's wrong?

Chapter 472.2

Quinn: Okay, now before we go ahead and tak about this, I wanted to remind you that the woman you know as your wife is the real me now. I am not lying to you or pretending. I do love you Sam. I mean it.
Sam: -Lets go of her hand and goes to rub her leg while wrapping his arm around her back and scratching her arm- I know. -Turns his head and goes to kiss her smiling- So tell me.

Quinn: Okay, so it all started before I transferred.
Sam: Wait, you are transfer too? I didn't know that. The way you just hung out with Finn and the popular kids was just so natural.
Quinn: Trust me, I worked hard to get into that crowd. Hung out with certain people. Uhm, dated certain people.
Sam: -Looks at her- Listen, I know right now you didn't date me becaue I was the quarterback. You told me you felt the sparks and I did too. So don't be scared okay? -Goes to scratch her arm-
Quinn: -Puts her hand on his chest and then sits up a bit more- I'm not but I wasn't done.
Sam: I know, keep going.

Chapter 472.3

Quinn: Okay, well, as I said, I reinvented myself when I came here because I was bullied at my old school.
Sam: What? Someone as beautiful as you?
Quinn: Well, when I transferred to McKinley, I went back to school a whole new girl compared to the June before.
Sam: How so?

Quinn: Before I transferred to McKinley. -Sighs-
Sam: Do it slowly Quinn. Remember, I love you for who you are as a person, not the looks, they just make you even sexier.
Quinn: -Smiles and goes to grab his neck before kissing him softly- I love you.
Sam: -Scratches her arm again smiling and then wraps his arm around her-
Quinn: -Smiles and then goes to kiss him again- Well, as I was saying. I was bullied at my old school because I was overweight, had natural auburn hair. I wore over-sized glasses and I had severe acne.
Sam: Wow.
Quinn: -Lays her head down on his shoulder- That's why I always tell myself in my head that I feel so blessed to have you as my husband. I mean, jocks never go for people like that.
Sam: -Moves to rub her arm again- Hey, I would've loved you anyways Quinn. Forever. I love you for who you are Quinn. Don't ever doubt that.
Quinn: -Lays her head down and then sighs-
Sam: -Kisses her head softly- Quinn, you telling me this makes me love you more. It shows me that are so much stronger than I always knew you were.
Quinn: How?

Chapter 472.4

Sam: Quinn, if you can handle that type of bullying, a pregnancy at 16 and bullying because you are in Glee all at once then you are a very strong, beautiful woman.
Quinn: -Smiles-
Sam: -Kisses her head again smiling before looking at Beth-
Quinn: -Lays her head down on his shoulder smiling when she feels his hand on her back-
Sam: -Goes to run his finger up and down her back as he turns his head- Look up at me.
Quinn: -Turns her head and smiles at him-
Sam: -Goes to grab her hand and leans down to kiss her softly-
Quinn: -Kisses him smiling- I love you Sam.
Sam: And I love you Lucy.
Quinn: -Smiles- Remember, we changed that now.
Sam: -Smiles and then goes to kiss her slowly-
Quinn: -Smiles and then goes to kiss his neck-
Sam: -Smiles as he feels her kiss his neck-
Quinn: Whisper my name baby. -Kisses his neck again-
Sam: Lucy.
Quinn: -Smiles- The other name.
Sam: -Smiles and then moans her name again- Quinn.
Quinn: -Smiles as she kisses his neck for a few more minutes while rubbing his chest- Want to go for a walk around the park?
Sam: Just a few more minutes of that.
Quinn: -Smiles and kisses his neck again--
Sam: -Smiles as he and Quinn spend a few minutes of being a little sexual in the park-

Chapter 473.1

After being sexual for a little longer and feeding Beth:
Sam: -Chuckles as he gets up with Quinn before looking at Beth-
Quinn: -In the midst of putting her back in the stroller, strapping her in-
Sam: -Smiles as he rolls up the blanket and then puts it in the bottom of the stroller-
Quinn: -Feels the stroller move- Watch out Sam, it can't move.

Sam: Okay. -Locks it smiling-
Quinn: -Looks at Beth smiling- She looks happy in her stroller.
Sam: Probably very happy to be outside for a bit.
Quinn: -Smiles as she goes to stand next to him before cuddling up to him and kissing her husband softly- I love you.
Sam: I love you too. -Goes to walk away with her smiling-
Quinn: -Walks next to him smiling- So, that was pretty fun but I think those grandmas over there are staring at us.
Sam: -Goes to look at them- What do you think they are staring at us for? Do you think its because we were a little playful there or is it because we have a daughter so young?
Quinn: -Sighs- Go you think about that?
Sam: Sometimes, I mean. I want to be able to go into the community with you and Beth while not having all eyes just on us. -Grabs Quinn's hand smiling-
Quinn: To have a little privacy?
Sam: -Smiles at her as they start to walk around-

Chapter 473.2

Sam: Well, I know I can't always expect privacy but I do expect at least some respect. I mean, we are allowed to be like that because we were in private and we are married.
Quinn: What I am more worried about is what they think as we push this stroller.
Sam: -Chuckles- They probably think we are just a couple as in boyfriend and girlfriend babysitting for our parents.
Quinn: -Sighs- That is actually something that worries me.
Sam: What do you mean?

Quinn: I mean, what happens if we need to talk to people about our daughter like doctors or something and they don't believe us.
Sam: Then we will just have to carry our ID and her birth certificate with us. Quinn, eventually they will believe us but for now this is the reality. Do I like it? Of course not. I want to be able to just take care of her without having anybody doubt I am her real father.
Quinn: Has it ever happened to you before?

Chapter 473.3

Sam: Okay, so first you have to tell me first that you are not going to be mad that I took her to a milestone event without you.
Quinn: What was it?
Sam: Okay, so while you were in the coma. I took Beth for her first check up after my mom recommended it. I agreed it would be a good idea.
Quinn: -Looks at him- Wouldn't they have your name on record?
Sam: I had to show them ID just to check her in for her appointment. At first, I didn't understand but they said it was because the appointment had to be done with her parents.
Quinn: Did you get mad?
Sam: I figured it was for security reasons because they wanted us. I had my mom verify I was her father and then we finally were able to get it.
Quinn: What did the doctor say?
Sam: That was there I asked about how I was feeding her and told her my situation that you were in a coma and all that.
Quinn: What did they say?

Chapter 473.4

 Sam: They said that first, they never actually confronted the situation before because apparently, it's rare.
Quinn: Obviously but what did they say?
Sam: They said that the nutrients you provide Beth are equivalent to those provided through the formula. They then said that the milk is okay to drink because it brings it down easier. They gave me a dosage for her and everything.
Quinn: So that is how you know how big of a dose you need to feed her.

Sam: They told me though that they wanted to see her again a month later so we have to go back sooon.
Quinn: -Smiles- Do not go without me this time.
Sam: Your mom came with me so it helped. I felt you there in spirit but I did feel bad after because I knew in my heart that you would've wanted to be there. The doctor I took her too was actually the one who gave birth to her. I told him our circumstances and I asked him if he could do the check ups temporarily until you got better so that we could choose a doctor for Beth together. It is a big decision. It needs to be somebody we both trust and somebody that we can both understand.
Quinn: -Smiles- I am glad you waited because I am not sure who to use yet. We should talk about that with my mom. I might want to take her to the doctor who I visited when I was younger.
Sam: Right because you lived here your entire life. That is a good idea and something I would be okay with because I trust him or her already because I know they took care of you.
Quinn: -Smles- Wait, who is your family doctor here? I mean, we could always talk to them both and see who we like better. I don't want you to just choose mine when your doctor may be better.

Chapter 473.5

Sam: I don't mind Quinn. I mean, you are healthy so they must've taken good care of you.
Quinn: -Smiles as she rubs his hand- Uhm, what about other appointments? Shots and stuff.
Sam: They did that already to and she was great. I made sure to be in the room. Have everything written down or recorded somewhere. Can you just trust me Quinn?

Quinn: I do trust you, it's just. I want to be informed as well for when you might go somewhere with friends. Sam, there are parties coming up soon and I might not want to go but you do.
Sam: Trust me Quinn when I say this, I will only go to parties with a date.
Quinn: I am assuming you mean me?
Sam: Yes because I am going to take my other wife to the party. Of course with you.
Quinn: -Smiles- I guess I am still getting used to the fact that I don't have to wait for you to ask me to go as your date. I mean, normally you would ask me but now I can just assume because I am your wife.
Sam: You realy thought that I wouldn't ask you even while we were dating?

Quinn: Well, I never knew if you just wanted to go to the party with your friends as in, the Football team or if you wanted to go with me. I always knew I would go but I never knew if it was as your girlfriend or just as the Head Cheerleader?
Sam: -Chuckles- Of course you should've assumed I would take you. If we are at the same party together, we are there as a couple. Even if we go back to Glee, we will not be separated especially since our situation would be even more complicated.
Quinn: How would it be more complicated?

Chapter 473.6

Sam: It is more complicated because of our situation. I mean, we have a daughter now and she has to come first. I mean, unless your mom can come with us to take care of her, we need to tell Mr. Schuester everytime that we need a flexible setlist. We can't always guarantee them that we can perform.
Quinn: You would really back out of a performance for Beth?
Sam: Like I said Quinn, I would do anything for you and Beth. Sure, the Glee performances are amazing and they are fun to do with our friends but, performances can never, ever come before Beth. I heard that this coming year that Nationals are in Los Angeles.
Quinn: -Looks at him when she hears her cell phone- Sorry.
Sam: You take it.
Quinn: -Goes to grab it and picks it up- Hello?

Rachel PC: Quinn, are you and Sam available?
Quinn: Why?
Rachel PC: Okay, well Mr. Schuester just called me. He wants to meet with all of us about Glee. I also wanted to tell you that you coming back to Glee is not optional, it's mandatory because we need all hands on deck.
Quinn: Rachel, I just gave birth. I can't join Glee. Maybe the year after.
Rachel PC: There may not be a year after if we don't do good this coming year.
Quinn: What do you mean? Wait, let me put you on speaker, I am walking with Sam.
Rachel PC: Okay.
Quinn: -Goes to put it on speaker-

Note to Readers

In know that in the real story, the Glee Club was not in jeapordy unless it won a Nationals title until Seaosn 4-5. But, I want to have more of the core original characters in this plot line so, I want to make it a year earlier. Just trust me on this part okay? Thanks!

Also, I just wanted to let you know that I am now designating this story as the start of a 3rd Glee Saga. If you want to read all 3 sagas, here are the links to the blogs.

1st Saga: 
Dalton-McKinley Academy for the Performing Arts Part 1: DMAPA Part 1
Dalton-McKinley in Vegas (Version 1); DMIV 1
Celine/Dalton-McKinley in Vegas - Planning: C/DMIV P
Dalton-McKinley Academy for the Performing Arts Part 2: DMAPA Part 2
Celine/Dalton-McKinley in Vegas Part 2: C/DMIV Part 1

2nd Saga:
Dalton-McKinley in Vegas (Version 2): DMIV Version 2
Dalton-McKinley in Vegas - Lima Auditions: DMIV Lima Auditions
DMIV - Lima, Ohio and Las Vegas, Nevada: DMIV Lima/Las Vegas
DMIV - Baby Evans: DMIV Baby Evans
DMIV - The Evans Family Part 1: DMIV Evans Family 1
DMIV - The Evans Family Part 2: DMIV Evans Family 2

3rd Saga:
The Evans Family Part 3 (This Blog)

Chapter 473.7

Sam: Okay Rachel, if this is about Glee, we said not this year.
Rachel PC: Okay, well if you dont' come back this year, you may not ever get a chance to perform for the Glee Club again.
Quinn: Okay, explain it to us in detail.
Rachel PC: Mr. Schuester just called me to say that we need to have an emergency meeting. He still has the keys to McKinley so we are meeting in the Glee Room. Can you make it?

Sam: Rachel, should we really be concerned? I mean, we have Beth this year.
Rachel PC: Can you just please come and hear Mr. Schue out? This is big guys and we need all hands on deck for this.
Quinn: Okay, we will come hear him out. Talk soon. -Sighs as she looks at Sam-
Sam: -Turns to look at her- Quinn, I don't know if I want to go back to Glee.
Quinn: I know, not yet but I mean, when I heard this may be our last chance then I want to hear her out because I do want to spend at least some more time singing.
Sam: -Sighs and looks at her before going to kiss her head softly- We will be fine. 

Chapter 474.1

After driving to McKinley:
Sam: Uhm, stroller or sling?
Quinn: Stroller, lets just give them the chance to meet her while we are here.
Sam: Okay. -Gets out of the car smiling and then walks around then get the stroller-
Quinn: -Gets out smiling and then looks at the school- Wow, haven't been here in a while eh?
Sam: Do you miss it?
Quinn: -Chuckles- Trust me, I would rather be at home with you and Beth.
Sam: First time Quinn Fabray-Evans walks into this school.
Quinn: -Smiles as she gets Beth out of the van and then closes the door-
Sam: -Gets the stroller out before looking at her-
Quinn: -Walks over to him and then goes to set the baby seat in it. She then puts her hand on Sam's chest smiling nad goes to kiss him smiling- Listen, can I talk to you something first?
Sam: What is it?
Quinn: Puck.

Chapter 474.2

Sam: -Looks at her and goes to grab her hand- Do you think he will still be in Glee?
Quinn: Chances are he will be.
Sam: -Sighs and then grabs her hand- Listen, I know the truth about her paternity. I did a test okay?
Quinn: Okay.
Sam: I also trust my wife.
Quinn: -Smiles as she steps closer to him and then kisses him softly- I love you.
Sam: I love you too. -Kisses her hand smiling and then goes to lead her inside- So, are we going to decide right away or, are we going to talk about it tonight?

Quinn: We can't decide right now. Sam, we have to make this decision not only together but, we need to talk to our parents and especially my mom about it due to the travelling we might have to do this year. This has to be a team effort.
Sam: I understand that but, I think it might be fun.
Quinn: -Smiles as she walks into McKinley with him-

Glee Summer Meeting Part 1

After walking into McKinley when Sam and Quinn are in the Glee Room:
Everybody: -Sitting in some chairs-
Sam: Hi Guys.
Rachel: -Smiles at them and gets excited- I knew you guys would come. -Walks over-
Sam: Okay, stay quiet. We have Beth.
WIll: -Turns to look at them- Can we finally all meet her?
Quinn: Okay, just briefly. -Goes to open the stroller- Come over one at a time.
Everybody: -Gets up smiling-
Santana: -Goes to look at her- Oh look, its a mini trouty mouth.
Sam: Santana, don't go there. Do notmake fun of my daughter.
Santana: Okay.
Finn: -Goes to look at her- She's cute.
Sam: Hey, tell your dad I still need some time. We need some time yet okay?
Finn: He is good with it.
Sam: -Smiles-
Tina: -Looks at her- She looks just ike Quinn.
Sam: -Smiles at Quinn- Okay, that's enough. We want her to sleep during this meeting please.
Everybody: -Nods-
Will: Yes, so we can talk now?
Sam: -Goes to push the stroller smiling- Uhm, Tina and Mike, can we have those chairs?
Tina: Of course. -Moves with Mike smiling-
Quinn: -Goes to sit down first-
Sam: -Sits next to her- Okay, before we start, can me and Quinn just say something first?
Will: Go ahead.

Glee Summer Meeting Part 2

Sam: -Turns to look at their friends- Okay, before you guys go ahead and think "Oh, they're back. I knew they would come back this year." We want to let you know that we are just considering it after what Rachel told us.
Rachel: -Looks at him-
Will: I haven't told anybody but Rachel yet okay Sam? We already knew you wouldn't come unless we told you that.
Quinn: I knew that's why she told Sam.

Mike: Okay, can you just tell us?
Will: Okay, so first, I wanted to let you know that we have a new teammate. Kurt, Blaine. Come in?
Blaine: -Comes in smiling-
Sam: Wow, you are joining us?
Blaine: -Smiles- Yes, I want to be with Kurt in his Senior Year. But, I am also bringing in another Warbler with me.
Sebastian and Amanda: -Walk in together-
Sebastian: Hello.

Sam: Oh Sebastian and Amanda, how are you?
Blaine: Wait, how do you know them?

Glee Summer Meeting Part 3

Sam: I know Amanda because she was our waitress recently on a date. And I know Sebastian because he came to pick her up.
Sebastian: So you remember me?
Sam: I would never forget my former rival.
Sebastian: -Chuckles- How's the baby?
Sam: Good. How's your daughter?

Amanda: -Looks at him- Doing very well. Thanks Sam.
Blaine: Woah, daughter?
Amanda: -Looks at Sebastian- You haven't told them yet? What about our status?
Sebastian: Uhm, can we talk about this later?
Amanda: Later. -Goes to sit down a little upset-
Will: Okay, now back to what I was saying. This year, unfortunately, Sue has taken over as Principal.
Everybody: What?
Will: Yes and in a recent e-mail, she mentioned the clubs she would fund forever and she warned clubs that were in risk of loosing their funding. And of course, that means us.
Santana: That bitch!
Will: -Looks- Santana, we do...
Santana: It is summer break, I am here when I could be by the pool. So Mr. Schuster, you either let me talk like that or you can watch me walk out and support Sue.
Will: Okay, then we will work on that. Now, that is why I need to ask that everybody be on board.
Sam: -Looks at Quinn and grabs her hand- Quinn, can we talk for a minute in the hallway?
Quinn: Mr. Schuester, can you watch Beth for like 2 minutes?
Will: Okay.
Sam: -Gets up sighing, knowing that the time has come to make a decision-

To Rejoin or Not?

When Sam and Quinn are in the hallway:
Sam: -Goes to lean against the wall and sighs- Are you feeling the pressure?
Quinn: -Sighs- Definatively. What are you thinking of doing?
Sam: -Looks at her- I am thinking that I need to help. I feel like I need to save this club.

Quinn: -Looks at him- Because it is a place where we can have fun together without Beth?
Sam: That and I was hoping one day to come back here and lead our daughter's team.
Quinn: You see her joining?
Sam: Quinn, we were both in Glee, she will have a beautiful voice. Why wouldn't she join Glee?
Quinn: I guess you are right but we need to tell them that if we go back we need to be able to have conditions. We are parents and they need to understand that.
Sam: And they will understand. They are short on members. Even with Sebastian and Amanda, they are missing 1 member to compete. They need us and if they want us, they need to respect our terms.
Quinn: What terms are we thinking?
Sam: Really, just having a flexible schedule and not arguing with us when we say we can't make it to a practice. If they can't understand that our daughter comes first then it is a no deal.
Quinn: -Nods smiling- Come here. -Grabs his hand and brings him close-
Sam: -Goes to grab her neck smiling and kisses his wife softly- Our parents will also have to be on board.
Quinn: My mom will be. I talked to her in private once aking if she could help if we decided to go back to Glee together.
Sam: Always thinking ahead. -Smiles at her and kisses her again smiling before leaving to go inside-

Glee Summer Meeting Part 5

After walking back into Glee:
Sam: -Goes to stand next to Mr. Schuester- Mr. Schue, can we address the class please? We have an announcement to make.
Finn: You aren't pregnant again are you? We are already dealing with one. -Looks at Rachel-
Jesse: -Stares at him as he stands next to Mr. Schuester- Mr. Schue, can you make your other announcement first?
Will: Of course. Thanks to Rachel's kind words, I have agreed to allow Jesse to be my co-Head Coach so he can join us and be with Rachel during the pregnancy.
Rachel: -Smiles and looks down- Finn, I am sorry. I had to.
Finn: I got it.
Sam: Uhm Mr. Schuester, can we take the floor now?
Will: Of course, take the floor.
Sam: -Walks up with Quinn smiling as he holds her hand-

Glee Summer Meeting Part 6

After moving to the front:
Sam: -Looks at Quinn and wraps his arm around her- Okay, we have come up with our decision already. We just wanted to tell you know.
Quinn: -Grabs his hand smiling-
Will: What is it?
Sam: We have decided to rejoin the Glee club.
Will: Wow, I....
Quinn: But, we have conditions. Our re-joining means you get the right amount of people to compete. We are joining because we want to see the club succeed and because you need us.
Rachel: How do we need you?
Quinn: Rachel, you admitted it already. You need the numbers.

Sam: But, we need you to be flexible when it comes to our commitment to this team. You have to understand first that we have other priorities. We can't make it to every practice and we definatively have to be able to quit at a moments' notice.
Quinn: Our main priority is Beth. We need to ensure that she is taken care of and is safe. Also, our decision depends on what our parents say.
Will: Why would your parents have to be okay with it? I mean, you can join any club you want no?
Sam: -Looks at Quinn- This is also a continuation of the Beth situation.
Quinn: -Looks at him- Can you word it right? I am not sure yet how to word it.
Sam: Okay. -Smiles at her and then turns to look at their teammates-

Glee Summer Meeting: Audition

Sam: Okay, so the reason our parents need to be okay with it is because they will be the deciding factor when it comes to us being able to perform or not.
Quinn: When we go to competitions, we need a babysitter. We need someone to come with us and we need someone to be with us the entire time.
Will: That makes a lot of sense and on behalf of the team, we accept your conditions.
Rachel: Mr. Schue.....
Sam: Rachel, remember, you need us to have the right amount of numbers. Especially since you will not be at Nationals.
Rachel: -Looks down, realizing he is right-
Quinn: -Looks at Sam and intertwines their fingers- Hey, I believe we still need to audition to get back in Glee considering we quit?
Will: That is true. You quit, you do need to audition again.
Sam: -Looks at her smiling- You sure, I mean your voice?
Quinn: Trust me Sam. Plus, the song is really easy.
Will: Combined audition?
Sam: Definatively.

Quinn: -Looks at Mr. Schuester- Remember our first duet Sam?
Sam: -Smiles and grabs her hand before leading her to the spotlight-
Quinn: -Looks at Puck- Puck, can you start playing?
Puck: -Sighs and goes to start-
Sam: I have my eye on you bud!
Puck: Got it. I am sorry.
Sam: -Smiles at Quinn and then gets ready to sing-
Puck: -Starts playing for them and watches Quinn and sees she is in love-
Sam: -Stares at Quinn as they take it slow and start to sing together-

Glee Summer Meeting: Accepted

After singing together:
Sam: -Finishes the song with his arms around Quinn as he looks down at her-
Quinn: -Puts her hand on his chest and then looks up at her husband- I love you.
Sam: -Goes to kiss her smiling- I love you too. -Kisses his beautiful wife smiling-
Quinn: Enough Sam. -Chuckles and then grabs his hand-

Sam: Sorry, brings back good memories.
Everybody: -Smiles at them-
Santana: Can I say it again? Just so dang cute. Nothing has changed.
Sam: Trust me, a lot has changed.
Quinn: -Starts to hear Beth cry and then walks over to her- Uhm guys, I think this signals the end of our stay. Sam, I will take her to the van okay? Oh, I think I forgot some stuff in my locker at the end of the year.
Sam: I will go clean out of lockers okay?
Quinn: -Smiles and grabs the stroller- So, did we get in?

Will: -Looks at the club- Definatively.
Sam: Thank you. So, see you soon?
Finn: Oh Sam, can we talk, I have your shifts.
Sam: Sure. C'mon, I need to get stuff out ofmy gym locker.
Finn: -Gets up smiling and then walks with him-