Friday, July 17, 2015

Chapter 465.1

After getting changed as Sam comes to see Quinn still in bed:
Quinn: -Thinking about what could've gone wrong because she knows she was able to get pregnant-
Sam: -Looks at her- Hey so, you want to eat breakfast here or do you want to go to Starbucks? I have some cash saved up.
Quinn: -Doesn't hear him-
Sam: -Notices she is staring into space- Quinn...-Walks over to her concerned-

Quinn: -Sees him walk over-
Sam: -Goes to sit next to her and then grabs her hand- Look at me Quinn
Quinn: -Sits up and then looks at him-
Sam: Today, I will try and get a day to ourselves. Or do you want to bring Beth? -Looks at her on the bed smiling, seeing her sleep on the bed-
Qunn: -Sighs- Can we bring Beth? I think I just want a day as a family.
Sam: Of course. Listen, you go go take a shower and I will feed her. Then, I will get the stroller and baby bag ready. Take your time. We have all day together and we have years together to come. -Smiles at her and then leans down to kiss her- Years to have more babies.
Quinn: -Grabs his neck and chuckles at him before kissing him again- I love you Sam and I feel so lucky to have you as my husband.
Sam: -Smiles at her-
Quinn: I mean it Sam. There is something about you that just always makes me want to smile even when I am down.
Sam: -Smiles- I like that. Listen, go take a bath and relax. This morning we will relax in here in bed and this afternoon we will go out with Beth. And trust me, I will make you feel so relaxed this morning by doing something for you.
Quinn: And what is that?

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