Friday, July 17, 2015

Chapter 473.6

Sam: It is more complicated because of our situation. I mean, we have a daughter now and she has to come first. I mean, unless your mom can come with us to take care of her, we need to tell Mr. Schuester everytime that we need a flexible setlist. We can't always guarantee them that we can perform.
Quinn: You would really back out of a performance for Beth?
Sam: Like I said Quinn, I would do anything for you and Beth. Sure, the Glee performances are amazing and they are fun to do with our friends but, performances can never, ever come before Beth. I heard that this coming year that Nationals are in Los Angeles.
Quinn: -Looks at him when she hears her cell phone- Sorry.
Sam: You take it.
Quinn: -Goes to grab it and picks it up- Hello?

Rachel PC: Quinn, are you and Sam available?
Quinn: Why?
Rachel PC: Okay, well Mr. Schuester just called me. He wants to meet with all of us about Glee. I also wanted to tell you that you coming back to Glee is not optional, it's mandatory because we need all hands on deck.
Quinn: Rachel, I just gave birth. I can't join Glee. Maybe the year after.
Rachel PC: There may not be a year after if we don't do good this coming year.
Quinn: What do you mean? Wait, let me put you on speaker, I am walking with Sam.
Rachel PC: Okay.
Quinn: -Goes to put it on speaker-

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