Tuesday, July 14, 2015

You Made me Feel Like Lucy Quinn Fabray

After walking out of the bathroom when Quinn goes to sit in bed:
Sam: -Walks around the bed and goes to sit with her, hoping to cuddle up to her-
Quinn: No, next to me. -Slips to the other side of the bed and looks at him-
Sam: -Gets on next to her and sighs- Quinn...
Quinn: No, I talk, you listen.

Sam: -Sighs and goes to grab her hand-
Quinn: Sam, how could you just do that in there? I gave eyou what you wanted. I threw out my security. Sam, do you really know why I took them? It was to protect my dreams.
Sam: -Looks down- I know.
Quinn: But I decided to throw them out for you because I love you and I thought that it would make you happy. I thought it would make you forgive me. Sam, you don't know how I feel right now.
Sam: -Sighs- Betrayed?
Quinn: No, I feel like I was put down. Like I did everything right yet it felt like it was so wrong. I thought I did the right thing. I thought I made things better but, I didn't. But that is not all I felt. Sam, when you yelled at me like that....I didn't feel like I was Quinn Fabray-Evans. I had a flashback and you made me feel like Lucy Quinn Fabray.
Sam: -Looks at her and tears up- I really didn't mean to. Quinn.
Quinn: -Tears up and then looks at him- Can you come and hold me?
Sam: Always. -Gets up sighing and then walks around the bed before going to hold her in his arms-

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