Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Start of a Fight

Sam: What do you say me and you go out for lunch and just spend some time alone. No Beth, no stress. Just me and you at a restaurant. -Leans in and kisses her softly-
Quinn: You really don't have to Sam. I mean, save your money.
Sam: Our money. It is yours now too. C'mon, lets go have a date. Just me and you. We haven't had a real date other than with friends or here at home. -Goes to rub her butt smiling- Anywhere you want to go is fine.
Quinn: -Smiles as she goes to put her hands on his chest and then grabs his neck- Lets just go lay down okay.
Sam: And do what?
Quinn: -Goes to kiss him smiling- Don't be long.
Sam: No, no Quinn. Not yet. Tonight. Lets go out. Please.
Quinn: Sam, what's wrong? I threw out the pills.
Sam: That's not all that matters. Quinn, you are thinking that you can just fix the damage in between us. I didn't want to tell you this but I have to. I can't help but feel a little insulted right now and I am kinda diappointed.
Quinn: I thought we already went through with all this?
Sam: We did but it doesn't just magically go away. Listen, your love is amazing but, it can't always change the way I feel. Especially when I feel betrayed like this. -Walks away mad, ready for a fight-
Quinn: -Gets mad and starts to yell- Sam, you can't just do that! Get your butt back in here and talk to me! I am your wife and I deserve more explanation. Or go sit down. We are talking now!
Sam: -Sighs and goes to the bed-
Quinn: -Walks out mad, ready to talk to him-
Sam: -Looks at her and realizes he made a mistake-

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