Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Goodbye Birth Control

When Sam and Quinn are in the washroom:
Quinn: Okay, now don't get any ideas.
Sam: I am not. -Lets her hand go-
Quinn: -Walks over to her sink in the master bathroom- I just want you to be here as I do something.
Sam: What?
Quinn: -Opens her cupboard and then goes to show him some pills- Read what it says on the label.
Sam: Birth control.
Quinn: -Walks over to the toilet smiling and opens the cap before going to dump them in the water- Would you like to do the honors?
Sam: You do it and then come here.
Quinn: -Flushes the toilet smiling and then throws the bottle out before walking over to him-
Sam: -Grabs her waist when she is close smiling-
Quinn: -Wraps her arm around his neck while putting her hand on his chest- No more.
Sam: I am just going to wait a few days okay? Make sure it is out of your system. Them I know we are doing it oh natural.

Quinn: Sam...
Sam: I am kidding, we are waiting now okay? From now on, it is just me, you and Beth. No more baby talk, no more talking about pregnancies other than Rachel's, no more pregnancy tests around here and no more stress.
Quinn: -Goes to put her hand on his chest smiling and then kisses him softly- Listen, what do you say me and you just go relax in bed?
Sam: Actually, I have some better plans.
Quinn: What?

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