Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Morning Walk Part 5

Sam: You know what Quinn, let them be mad at you. Let Coach Sylvester be mad at you but just don't let them get to you. Me and you, we are a team. If someone upsets you at school just text me saying Help and Where and I will make up an excuse to come see you. I don't care. The person I care about most is you, my wife. -Goes to kiss her hand- And you are always on my mind. You will not face this school year without your husband by your side.
Quinn: -Nods-
Sam: Or anything for that matter. We have both had it rough and to be honest, I feel like we understand each other more each and everyday. I am telling you right now that I am not going to let you be bullied like you were at your old school. Also, I actually wanted to talk to you about something. I wanted to know what you really thought about Karofsky and Kurt. How that situation went down.
Quinn: -Sighs- Because I can relate to him right?

Sam: Honestly Quinn, I think it is time for us to help other people too. Not just let them help us. I helped Kurt because you asked me too and I couldn't let my Fiancée down. -Smiles- But there was something deeper I felt. I felt like deep down, just the way you told me to help him, it felt like you were scared and shocked.
Quinn: -Looks down- I was reliving a dream. I was thinking back to my days of bullying. That is why I changed. Well, first because I met you and then because I realized. How can I do this to people when I know how they feel? How can I do this to my peers when I know what it feels like to be disrespected, so pushed around, so betrayed? To be honest, I never told you this but that night when I saw you with that black eye, after I cleaned you up, I literally went home to cry and just had everything come back to me. I actually had to talk to my mom about it so that I wouldn't harm the baby.
Sam: -Goes to rub Beth's back smiling when he looks down at her- She's awake and I think she likes it in there.
Quinn: Yes, because she is against her dad's muscular chest which both his girls love so much.
Sam: -Chuckles as he rubs her hand- Listen, you want to come with me to work?

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