Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Morning Walk Part 6

Quinn: Let me guess, you want me to stop anymore girls from hitting on you by telling them I am your wife?
Sam: -Chuckles- If it happens, yes. But actually, I am thinking that Carole might want to meet the baby. She hasn't yet and I know you are good friends with them so....
Quinn: You thought it would be a good time.
Sam: Plus, you can talk to Finn and talk to him about why you are supporting Rachel and Jesse. I know you and him were a thing right before us so I thought it would be good for you to tell him yourself. I don't want to talk for you anymore to him. He deserves to hear you say ait.

Quinn: I guess you are right. -Smiles at him- Plus, I want to see what they have done with the place. See if it has changed over the past year. I was there once when they did a performance.
Sam: -Smiles- Sounds like fun.
Quinn: Also, I need to get some stuff back from him. I have been delaying it because I wanted to make sure you knew I was comitted to us. I thought it was a trick to get me back so I was nervous. Especially since I knew it would hurt you so bad if I screwed up. I love you Sam and I couldn't let it happen. But now, I feel much saffer doing it because I know you trust me and him. And because we are married.
Sam: -Smiles- Trust me, you could've done it while we were engaged and I still wouldn't have left. I would've blamed it on him and made him pay hard. I talked to him in the locker rom after he hit on your remember? We were hiding the engagement still back then remember? He then told Rachel.
Quinn: Right. At first I was mad that you used it but then I realized that it was really because you didn't want to let everybody know I was pregnant yet.
Sam: -Nods- Yes. -Smiles at her and then turns to look at her, stopping her- And because I love you.
Quinn: -Smiles as she steps close to him and goes to kiss him softly- C'mon, lets get going, there is a good place to get smoothies just down the block.
Sam: -Reaches in his pocket- I got $20.
Quinn: -Smiles at him as they keep walking to go get some smoothies-

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