Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Morning Walk Part 2

Once Sam and Quinn have left the house:
Quinn: -Walking next to him down the driveway- So, do you have a favorite route or something you like to follow?
Sam: Actually, I am just going with the flow. I always do. We already ate breakfast and I don't have to be anywhere until 1. It's only 10:30 right now so I am not in a rush.
Quinn: -Nods when they reach the sidewalk- So, anything special planned other than work?
Sam: -Chuckles- Are you trying to hint that you want to go on a date tonight?
Quinn: -Smiles at him- I wouldn't mind. Gives us time to talk and just be like any other couple our age.
Sam: You mean the ones that are married and have a daughter right?
Quinn: -Smiles as she laughs- Yes, totally normal. Because someone normal knows the Avatar language.

Sam: -Chuckles- You know, I think this is really the first time in a while I feel so relaxed when I just talk to you.
Quinn: Has something been bothering you lately?
Sam: I just feel like I need your opinion on something.
Quinn: What is it?
Sam: Now, completely honest here. I can take it.
Quinn: Just ask me.
Sam: Do you feel like recently I have been pushing stuff on you?
Quinn: As in sexual stuff? Is that what you are talking about?
Sam: I knw this is not the time and place to talk about it but I think this is really the only place I can talk about it freely without having to be scared about your mom popping in at any time.
Quinn: Is it starting to bother you that we are living in my mom's basement?

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