Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Chapter 674.2

Quinn: Sam, you know what I think about when I look around our home here?
Sam: What?
Quinn: I think about you, my husband. The man who took time out of his life, time away from his wife to build a beautiful home for his family. You could've just rented an appartment and we could've lived on the rough but you didn't, you decided to build this. And everytime I touch the walls, the counters, anything in this home I think of you.
Sam: You do?
Quinn: -Walks away smiling and then goes to rub the counters- Porcelain counters, built in a factory, installed with love by my husband.
Sam: -Chuckles-
Quinn: I mean it. Sam, we may have a bedroom to have privacy and to sleep in at night but for now Sam. I saw we spend more time in here. I say we start sleeping out here. Then we aren't as tempted. I mean, is that okay? It's not that I don't trust you but....
Sam: -Walks over to her and then grabs her waist- I love that idea.
Quinn: Plus, why not use all of our appartment? We are ready to go places Sam, lets just stay out here. We are done with the intimate moments.
Sam: -Smiles-
Quinn: What do you think?
Sam: Just do me one favor okay?
Quinn: What?
Sam: Go get the comforter on our bed first.
Quinn: -Smiles- Yes, the one which was used on my old bed.
Sam: -Smiles- Don't be long. There is a game on.
Quinn: -Smiles and goes to get their comforter-
Sam: -Chuckles as he goes to get them some drinks before going to set up the bed-

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