Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Chapter 671

After running out to Quinn:
Quinn: -Crying as she lays down in bed-
Sam: -Looks at her and feels hurt as he goes to cuddle up to her-
Quinn: -Feels him get in bed-
Sam: -Rubs her arm- Quinn, are you okay?
Quinn: -Rolls over and sighs- I don't know. -Puts her hand on his chest-
Sam: Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong. -Turns his head-
Quinn: -Grabs his neck and goes to kiss him softly- I am scared I am going to mess everything up. Us, Yale, my family....
Sam: Hey, I have messed up more than you. What are you talking about?
Quinn: I keep trying to tell myself. Go ahead, just be sexual with him. You both love each other. But I just can't. I can't see us raising another baby together yet when we barely take care of Beth.
Sam: -Nods- Listen, I will go take my shower. Then you can take one. After that, we will cuddle in bed in PJs. Quinn, we will talk this out and we will make a plan for how we take this stuff on. Quinn, we have a lot going on right now. I am not going to give up on us. And we will end this sexual stuff. Listen, let me shower and I will talk to you more after okay? Do you want to take one after?
Quinn: -Looks at him- I will take a bath while you are in there, I am okay with that.
Sam: Then c'mon before the bath gets cold.
Quinn: -Nods and gets up, ready to have a good talk with her husband over suppper-

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