Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Chapter 642

After talking to their friends when Sam comes to the van:
Sam: -Gets in the drivers' seat before looking at Quinn-
Quinn: -Looks at him smiling- We will get through this right?
Sam: Yes. We will, but I want to talk to your mom alone.
Quinn: I'm sorry Sam. I should've told you.
Sam: Listen, right now...all I want to concentrate on right now is protecting you. I don't have time to talk to you about how mad I am.
Quinn: I knew you were mad.

Sam: -Turns to look at her and yells- Yes, because I am going to be totally fine with my wife not telling me about a death threat she received saying that her dad would kill me. Yes, I am totally happy with you about that.
Quinn: -Looks at him-
Sam: What else aren't you telling me? Is Beth threatened too?
Quinn: -Looks at him and then goes to grab his hand-
Sam: -Gets even more angry- No, don't touch me. Until we resolve this and you think about what you did and how dangerous it was then I don't want to feel your touch or anything. -Goes to drive home-

Quinn: Sam, how can you yell at your wife like that?
Sam: -Turns to look at her- I am not going to respect someone who doesn't give me the respect of knowing about a threat regardingmy daughter and my life from her father until we resolve this. -Drives away pissed out-
Quinn: -Looks at him and understands why he is mad, and realizes that she has no right to cry so she just shuts up-

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