Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Chapter 641

When Sam is on Quinn's side:
Sam: -Open her door- Come here.
Quinn: -Gets out and then goes to cuddle up to him, scared- Sam, I'm sorry. I just thought that I would loose you if I told you.
Sam: -Goes to push her head up and then rubs her cheek. He then goes to kiss her softly-
Quinn: -Grabs his neck and kisses him slowly- I am scared Sam.
Sam: -Looks at her in her eyes and sees that she is teeling the truth- Listen, does anybody else know? -Grabs her neck as he just holds her close- Your mom?
Quinn: -Nods- I told her. I was scared to tell you.
Sam: You will never loose me.

Quinn: -Looks down- You aren't mad?
Sam: Unfortunately Quinn, I am. But I also understant why you didn't tell me.
Quinn: You do?
Sam: I have been through a lot lately. I am stressed out and you didn't want to add more.
Quinn: Sam, what can we do?

Sam: First, we are going to ditch these plans, we have something more important to take care of.
Quinn: Sam, please promise this won't come in between us.
Sam: -Sighs- I can't. Quinn, I am your husband and Beth's father first. My family's safety is first. If I can't trust my wife to tell me this. I have to back up a bit. Quinn, I love you but right now. -Goes to grab her hand- I feel like your faith in me is gone because you didn't trust that I would take care of this.
Quinn: Can we just go home?
Sam: -Nods- Let me go talk to them.
Quinn: -Sighs and goes to get in the van again-
Sam: -Goes to talk to their friends so that they can go home-

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