Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Chapter 640

Once Sam and Quinn are at an ice cream joint:
Quinn: -Fakes a smile as she looks at Sam-
Sam: -Looks at her and knows she is just putting on a brave face- What's wrong Quinn?
Quinn: It's just, when I saw my dad there...
Sam: -Looks at her- You got scared.

Quinn: -Sighs- My dad never approved of it. You remember when I first told you?
Sam: Of course.
Quinn: Well, my dad already knew. He was kicked out by my mom and he actually made a threat.
Sam: -Looks at her- He did what?

Mike: -Gets out of his car and knocks on the window- Coming?
Sam: -Turns to look at him and then opens his window- Listen guys, can I take a minute with Quinn?
Quinn: -Looks at him-
Mike: Of course. -Walks away with Tina-
Sam: -Turns to look at Quinn-
Quinn: He threatened to harm our family.

Sam: In what way?
Quinn: -Looks down- Sam, I hung up when I heard what he said, I was scared that you would leave me if I told you that he would k...
Sam: -Looks at her and then gets out of the car, walking around it before going to hold her-
Quinn: -Scared-

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