Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Chapter 632

As Sam just looks at her:
Quinn: -Looks at him- What?
Sam: -Snaps out of it- Pardon me?
Quinn: You have been staring at me for the past few minutes. Do I have something on my face?
Sam: No, I am just thinking. I mean this life we have ebeen blessed with. Does it ever feel just so surreal and so crazy hat sometimes you think you are dreaming?
Quinn: Sometimes I ask myself the same thing. I guess you are extremily happy right now. I mean the way you are sitting just screams relaxed.
Sam: -Smiles- Just thinking about where you might want to go for a walk today? I mean, we can't always just go to the park.
Quinn: Uhm, there is the mall. We could always go look for decorations for downstairs.

Sam: That's right, we really just have that beautiful wedding picture on our wall.
Quinn: I keep thinking about ideas. I mean I have seen people just have these stickers.
Sam: Like the sayings, I have seen them.
Quinn: Yes, I am just thinking of sayings that would be appropriate for us.
Sam: Well we would have to look at them but there are endless possibilities. Family, arts, passion, hope, dreams. We can find stuff like that easily Quinn.
Quinn: It's just, I don't want to spend too much on stuff so I just want a few things.
Sam: -Sighs- Listen, do you mind just staying here for a second, I want to grab my laptop okay? I need to check something on there.
Quinn: Later. What is it anyways?
Sam: I just wanted to check the budget for how much we can spend.

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