Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chapter 611

Once Sam is upstairs:
Rachel: -In the midst of eating breakfast before their jog-
Sam: -Comes upstairs smiling to hear Rachel talking to Jesse-
Rachel: -Reading the paper- Oh, there is that musical festival in Columbus this weekend Jesse.
Jesse: I looked at the schedule, sounds like fun.
Sam: -Smiles at them- Talk about musical freeks. Listen, can I talk to you about something?
Jesse: Sure, what's up?
Sam: How would you guys like to practice being parents for a while this afternoon?
Rachel: You want us to babysit Beth?
Sam: Yes. Quinn asked my mom to bring us my work uniform and they asked to work things out at lunch. So...I don't want to bring Beth to a bad confrontation. It will be at a resturant but better to be safe.
Jesse: Of course we can. It sounds like a good idea. We get practice and you get to work things out with your parents.
Sam: Thanks.
Rachel: Hey, if you work things out, I still hope you are going to stay. Also, breakfast is in the pan.
Sam: Thanks. -Walks over to grab some- Can we talk about this on the jog?
Rachel: Of course and it's a walk.
Sam: -Chuckles as they prepare to walk together-

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