Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chapter 592.2

Quinn: When Sam made that appartment, he made the appartment so we could have a home. A seperate home from yours meaning that we could have privacy. Our home begins at that door. When you want to enter our home, you knock or call. I can enter your home because it is the way into my home and because you accept me into your home easily. But I do not accept the same way. I am a married woman with a husband and a daughter. We demand privacy and we expect you to respect our wishes. I want you to respect my wishes not only as your daughter but as your equal. You are a mother and so am I. How would you feel if I just wanted into your room while you were busy with your boyfriend?

Judy: -Looks down ashamed-
Quinn: I know what I am talking about. I feel so violated and angry when you do that mom. I am trying to live a life with Sam in our home. That home was built for me, him and our daughter. You are not included on that list. In our basement appartment, you are a guest. But not anymore because we are done. We are going to look for a new appartment and instead of paying rent, you will pay it in return for you having your basement back. If we can't have the privacy of an appartment in your basement then we will be forced to move. And don't say you won't pay. You will because of our situation. Mom, do you know how mad it makes me feel to say that. We don't have the money to pay rent. We can barely afford groceries. So in return for us moving out, you will pay the rent for us if we move out and the internet and the phone because that is what we got in the basement. But we are giving you one last chance. If you do that, you will be expected to pay all of that. Am I clear mother?
Judy :Yes and I understand why you are talking to me like this. You are mad so I forgive you.
Quinn: You forgive me? Well I don't need your pity. I am allowed to talk to you like this because this is obviously the only way you will listen to us. We are being forced to ask a friend to give us some time alone. Now, when we come back here, I want your appartment key on our bed, I want your stuff that is still in the basement to be upstairs. When we come back, you are not to come in unless you are an invited guest. Now, I am going to go sit down. Do not call me for a few days and let me enjoy myself in private. Maybe that will treat you a lesson on what it feels like to be ignored and have your wishes violated. I hope you have a miserable time mom because you do not deserve anything nice from me right now. Now, have fun. -Goes to sit down, mad at her mom- Oh and by the way, don't tel Sam about this because you are the reason I yelled, not him. -Closes the door mad-
Judy: -Sighs, knowing she and Quinn have a lot of work to do on their relationship-

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