Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chapter 585.2

Sam: -Looks at his dad and breathes- Sorry dad, I am trying to stay calm but I can't. You don't know how mad, disappointed, frustrated and just embarassed I am.
Dwight: Embarassed.
Sam: I'm talking right now. Just listen or else I will change my tone again got it?
Dwight: -Nods-
Sam: Dad, I am mad at you overall because dad, you betrayed me. How could you disapoint me like that? Dad, I trusted you. I got you a job. My friend did this as a favor. I called him because I knew he would understand your situation because he helped us when we needed it. You betrayedme friend and I am not okay with that. But most importantly, you betrayed my trust. Dad, I am supposed to trust you. How can I now?

Dwight: Sam, you can trust me. I am your dad.
Sam: Really, well you thanked me for the job and you seemed to like it. You were so thankful I got it for you. I got you the job because I knew you are a good mechanic, I got you the job because I knew you wouldn't let me or my friend down. But dad, look at where we are now. You just got fired by my friend. You have no job and now, you lost the trust and the bond we once had. I felt like we still had that father-son bond.
Dwight: And we do. Sam, I promise....
Sam: You may feel the father-son bond but I don't anymore. All I see in front of me is the man who raised me and taught me right from wrong. Yes, that is the part of the definition of a father. But you want to knw why I can't clal you my dad yet. Because you don't have all of the qualities a dad should have yet. A dad should respect his son and a dad should never let his son down. You knew I pulled strings to get you that job. I got you that job without an interview. I played the pity card to get you that job saying that I want you here with me and I want you to be able to support your family. But dad, you know what. That card has been used and now, it is going back. I am quitting my job there now because I can't look at my boss in his eyes and tell him I won't let you down because I already did. I lost his trust thanks to you. When you find me a job I will consider calling you my dad again but until then, please, just stay away from me and just don't talk to me. You are a disappointment dad and I am not proud of you enough to call you my dad. In fact, I am ashamed to have the same genetics as a man who betrayed his own son, his son's friend and his son's trust just because he can't listen to his boss who went out on a limb and trusted you.
Dwight: Sam. -Goes to hug him-
Sam: Don't touch me, don't talk to me and don't look at me because now, all I see in your eyes is shame and guilt for myself because I trusted a man who let me down because he can't accept orders from his own boss who provides you money. You find your own job got it. And when you get a no again, I don't want to hear a complaint. Dad, this is your last chance. I have done countless favors for you. I got you a job, I got you a home and I got you free food. You disappointed me by getting fired and betraying my trust in you as a good candidate for that job. Now dad, I am sorry to say this but you are on your last strike. One more strike and you are gone. You can go sleep in the motel again without mom or the kids. They can stay and we can provide for them. But you, you will not sleep here, you will not eat here and you will not be here unless you are invited. Do you understand?
Dwight: Yes sir.
Sam: Now I am going to go home. The home I am proud to have built by myself. The home where I can relax while you watch your home crumble down into pieces. Good luck dad and I wish you the best in finding a job. Until then, I hope you enjoy your time here at the Fabray home because you betray me again and I am not giving you another chance. -Walks away mad at his dad, in tears and just runs downstairs-
Dwight: -Sighs and goes to look nto the yard, knowing he did all those things to him and more-

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