Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter 576.2

As Sam looks into Quinn's eyes:
Sam: -Goes to grab her hand and then rubs it- I think we need to relax like in the living room instead of in here now and just sit next to one another. -Goes to rub her arm and then grabs her waist-
Quinn: -Steps close to him and then wraps her arms around his neck- Are you okay Sam? You seem a little off all of a sudden.
Sam: I am just scared Quinn. Listen, I love you but I think it is time to just take a break.
Quinn: Wait, as in...

Sam: No, please just listen. I am not your boyfriend anymore. I am your husband. Taking a break from my wife would be torture. By taking a break I mean like, being in here during the day unless I am consoling you for something that happened. I want to take a break from being that sexual. Quinn, I can't get you pregnant again.
Quinn: -Looks at him and goes to run her hands down his chest before leaning her forehead against his- Sam, don't you want to have children in the future?
Sam: Hold on, I didn't mean it that way. I mean right now. Of course I want to have a bigger family in the future but Quinn, 2 kids, at 17 this year? Are you really ready to handle that?
Quinn: No.
Sam: That's why we need to relax. We need to figure out a way for me to do my job as your husband and please you like that without actually going all the way. Quinn, I always promised myself that once I got married. Originally I said just get married but now I can add to you. I promised to myself that I would stop using protection because the woman I love deserves all of me. You deserve to have the entire experience when we go that far but now that we are starting to get this sexual all the time, I am scared. Quinn, please don't make me go back on that promise I made to myself.

Quinn: Hey, I won't. I promise. I just never knew you made promises like that.
Sam: That's because I never knew if I would share them. I wrote a whole lot of them. Listen, how about after I take a shower...I can get that ready for you. I can read them to you.
Quinn; -Smiles- You go first. I will wait.
Sam: -Smiles at her and goes to kiss her softly- I love you Quinn.
Quinn: I love you too.
Sam: -Smiles at her and lets her go before going to take a shower-

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