Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter 563.3

Mary: Wow, must be nice to know that you are friends with someone in a similar situation.
Sam: Friends with 2 people. Him and then Rachel, you remember her right? She stopped by when she found out about the rumor?
Mary: Before Quinn, that made me really surprised. I thought you would've told Quinn about our situation before anybody else.
Quinn: -Walks up behind Sam after finishing in the basement- What's this about telling somebody something before me?
Mary: Oh, you didn't know that Sam told one of your friends about our situation before you?

Sam: She knew that I told some people but not uhm....
Mary: Wait, you told Rachel before her.
Quinn: Wait, you can tell Rachel before your wife, well Fiancée at the time?
Sam: -Turns around to look at Quinn- Quinn...when did you....
Quinn: Answer my question now!
Sam: Okay, calm down and let me explain.

Quinn: You have 2 minutes Sam. Outside on the porch.
Sam: -Sighs as he goes onto the porch with her-
Quinn: -Grabs hs hand and leads him away, not impressed that someone knew before her-

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