Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter 554.1

5 hours later when they are finally done:
Quinn: -Starting to make some supper- Thanks again for all your help guys, was hard eh?
Stacey and Stevie: -Playing in the living room with Beth-
Sam: I think they are too busy with their niece.
Quinn: -Smiles as she hears his voice-
Sam: -Walks up behind her and then goes to wrap his arms around her before kissing her shoulder-
Quinn: -Smiles as she goes to turn around in his arms and steps close to him before kissing him softly- Finally, our job of unpacking is behind us.

Sam: The master bedroom is much nicer now but listen, how about instead of cooking, we go out instead. My treat.
Quinn: Sam, I am not...
Sam: I want to just relax tonight and thank them. Lets go to McDonalds.
Quinn: -Looks down- I am not ready to take Beth out in public yet though. I mean, to restaurants.
Sam: Okay. Then lets go get something and then we can eat here. Quinn, you look tired and I know you didn't sleep the best last night.
Quinn: You're right and we haven't stopped all day. So, I am a little tired.
Sam: Okay then lets just relax. Lets enjoy the unpacked appartment alone. We can put Beth in the nusery and I can take my beautiful wife to our room where we can cuddle and keep looking at the pictures we found today.
Quinn: -Smiles and then wraps her arms around his neck before kissing him softly-
Sam: -Smiles and hugs her tight-

Mary: -Walks over to them- Do you guys just want some time alone int he appartment?

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