Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter 537

Once Sam and Quinn are in bed together:
Sam: -Tugs her close to his chest smiling-
Quinn: -Puts her hand on his chest and slips her legs in between his-
Sam: -Goes to close the covers- You know I'm sorry right. I was just trying to get help.
Quinn: -Lays her head down on his shoulder and then rubs his chest-
Sam: -Goes to rub her back- Why do I always have to make such messes? I always seem to make you mad recently.
Quinn: -Turns his head sighng and then goes to kiss him- No, I had my part in the last one. You are right, you just tried to get help and you didn't know.
Sam: -Runs his hand up Quinn's shirt as he rubs her back and then goes to kiss her again- I love you Quinn, you know that right?
Quinn: -Smiles- I love you too. -Kisses him smiling- What I think I was really mad about Sam is that you don't want to live in the moment. I know we need to plan but right now, there are other things I would rather do.
Sam: -Wraps his arm arm around her tight smiling and tugs her against his chest before grabbing her wasit- And what would those things be?
Quinn: -Grabs his neck and goes to kiss him softly- First of all I don't want to fight with you, my wonderful husband ever. -Goes to rub his chest-
Sam: -Scratches her arm smiling- I can agree with that plan, what else?
Quinn: Here, can you change the bed into a sitting position? I don't want to lay down as we talk about this.
Sam: -Nods smling and then rolls over to get the remote in his side table to change the bed's position-
Quinn: -Smiles as she watches the bed move-

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