Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter 510.2

Rachel: Listen, I think I can speak on behalf of everybody here when I say that we all know you love each other a lot. Right?
Everybody: -Nods-
Rachel: But please, can you tone down the PDA?
Quinn: I already talked to Sam about it. We are going to have fun with you guys. Sam said he was going to try and play volleyball with the guys in the pool.
Sam: I mean, if you guys are okay with doing that?

Jesse: Sounds like fun. But be careful. I am not just a Choir alumni, I was also on the Volleyball team.
Sam: -Chuckles before turning to look at Quinn- I was on the water polo team for a bit so....
Mercedes: -Chokes on her food when she hears him- Sorry, did you just say water polo team?
Sam: -Chuckles- Yes, it was during an injury.
Quinn: -Smiles at him- It was hot.
Sam: Ya, until the slushies came back. Oh, Karofsky was the worst to me at that point.
Kurt: Okay, if you bring up that name here then you are leaving. I am sorry but this place is a no Karofsky zone.
Sam: And no Puck zone.
Puck: -Walks in behind him- Talking about me bud?
Sam: -Turns around scared when he hears him-
Everybody: -Looks at Puck scared-

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