Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter 510.1

After talking and sharing a nice kiss when Sam and Quinn make their way inside:
Blaine: -In the kitchen with Kurt, making their plates- I wonder where Sam and Quinn are. They weren't in their room. And they aren't here.
Sam: -Comes in holding Quinn's hand with their fingers intertwined- We are right here.
Kurt: You guys have a fight or something?
Quinn: No, Rachel just asked about us bringing Beth or not so we talked about it.

Rachel: -In the midst of eating with Jesse at the table- What did you decide?
Sam: She will not be coming today.
Santana: -Comes in with Brittany in her robe- Oh, so we don't get to see Guppy Mouth?
Rachel: Santana, no skinny dipping in the pool.
Santana: I am just not letting anybody see me yet. I want the boys to stare.

Quinn: Oh and by the way Santana, don't call our daughter Guppy Mouth.
Sam: It's insulting.
Santana: Whatever.
Blaine: So, what type of music should we expect today?
Rachel: It's going to be like yesterday, open mic.
Jesse: -Comes down after taking a shower- Yes, when we get to do a rematch of our Journey war.
Rachel: Jesse, you are not singing Bohemian Rhapsody alone.
Jesse: Just stop me. -Smirks as he goes to grab some breakfast.

Sam: -Smiles as he looks at Quinn- Here, go sit on the couch and I will make us a plate.
Quinn: -Smiles and walks away-
Sam: -Goes to grab a plate for the both of them so that they can eat together-
Rachel: Okay Sam and Quinn, I want to set some rules for you.
Sam: What do you mean?

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