Friday, July 17, 2015

Chapter 497.1

After walking into the kitchen together:
Santana: -Smirks after breaking over some beer- Want some?
Sam: -Looks at Quinn- No thanks. I would rather be sober as I dance with Quinn.
Quinn: -Smiles at him-
Santana: Okay so what's this about Health problems?

Quinn: -Sighs at Sam-
Sam: -Goes to rub her back- Want me to tell her?
Quinn: No, better I do it.
Sam: I am right here.
Quinn: -Nods- Okay so recently, I had some problems.

Santana: What, like you getting sick or something?
Quinn: Santana, can you just shut up and let me tell you?
Santana: -Stays quiet-
Quinn: I was in a coma recently for 2 weeks.

Santana: Oh my god. -Goes to hug her- Wait, did he put you in it?
Quinn: No, I fell down the stairs but, it caused a lot of damage.
Santana: -Leans back- Do you have like a disability now or something?
Sam: Uhm, Quinn, I know this is hard for you to tell her so how about you let me tell her and you just go dance or relax?
Quinn: Thanks. -Rubs his arm and walks away-
Santana: What's so hard to tell me?
Sam: -Waits until Quinn is gone- Can you keep a secret? This has to stay between the 3 of us.

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