Friday, July 17, 2015

Chapter 493

After parking the car:
Sam: -Looks at Quinn- Please don't get mad.
Quinn: If my dad set it up, I won't.
Sam: Good because he did. He still hates my guts for getting you pregnant and keeps calling me telling me that he is going to find a way to split me and you up unless we get Beth adopted. He doesn't know about the marriage yet because I don't want him too mad okay?
Quinn: Makes sense. -Looks at him- So what did my dad do?

Sam: He pretended to be me and called an adoption agency inquiring about an adoption for Beth. So, they did the entire process and they wanted us to meet with her new adoptive mom. We aren't doing it okay?
Quinn: No, she is ours.
Sam: Okay, so I called the agency and told them that it was your dad, misunderstanding and then I talked to the lady. Turns out her name is Shelby Corcoran.
Quinn: Wait, as in the Coach of Vocal Adrenaline?
Sam: -Sighs- Yes, so I called her and explained everything and she was very nice. I still don't want to meet her in person.

Quinn: If we do, we will just talk to her and explain it more. Got it?
Sam: Good. -Smiles- C'mon, I want to go show off my wife off to the world some more. -Smiles at her-
Quinn: -Smiles at him and then walks out of the car-
Sam: -Meets her at the front smiling and then grabs her hand to lead her towards the door-

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