Friday, July 17, 2015

Chapter 488.2

Sam: -Chuckles- Of course it isn't Quinn. Here, can we wait until we are done eating to talk about this? I want to hold you in my arms while we can about this okay? Just feel like it is that type of subject where I need you close.
Quinn: -Smiles at him-
Sam: Unless you think otherwise. Quinn, if it is really on your mind tell me.
Quinn: Well, I would like to at least start and go until we get to a point where I need you close.
Sam: -Smiles-

Quinn: Okay so how about we start about the reason you really keep shutting me down> I mean Sam, even the little things.
Sam: -Sighs- Okay maybe we should wait until after we eat this is a delicate subject and sometimes I feel like, when you are in my arms you give memore time to explain things you don't like to hear.
Quinn: -Sighs as she looks at him- So this will be a long conversation?
Sam: This may be because I need to think a lot here Quinn. You have to understand that this subject is so complicated that I may need just an hour to think about what I can and can't say.
Quinn: Why do you say that?
Sam: Because this topic might involve alot of stuff mixed into one. It is a deep conversation in my opinion. I mean with this conversation....
Quinn: I get it. Just take your time and when we are done eating, we will watch tv and hold each other close. When you think you are finally ready to talk, we will. I will wait.
Sam: -Smiles at her- I might think about this alone actually okay if you don't mind. Quinn, I just want to be ready.
Quinn: Go ahead.
Sam: -Smiles at her, ready to confront the situation they are about to approach-

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