Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chapter 602.4

Quinn: -Lays her head back smiling and then grabs his hand- Last time I checked, Rachel had her.
Jesse: -Took her back smiling-
Sam: Jesse, that is not funny. Now c'mon, put her in the basinet so that she can sit beside her parents. And that is an order.
Jesse: -Goes to do as he is told-
Sam: -Smiles at their daughter and goes to cover her up- Thank you.
Quinn: -Lets go of his hand and then scratches his arm as she leans back against his chest and puts her head on his shoulder-
Sam: -Goes to kiss her head smiling- Okay now they aren't here to watch a make out session to just relax okay?

Rachel: Yes. Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about something. Maybe Glee?
Quinn: Get it out of your system.
Rachel: Listen Quinn, we can tag team this. I mean, you just experienced pregnancy and I am in the middle of experiencing it. I am gong to be there as much as I can and if we make it to Nationals, count on me singing and I don't give a damn if I have to beg Schuester.
Jesse: Why do you think I made sure to be Deputy Head Director?
Rachel: -Smiles at him-
Quinn: I am starting to wonder if I should really go back. I mean things have been so crazy lately, I am not sure hw much more stress I can take. Between the way I am going to feel about going back to school with Beth at home actually, I don't even know with who anymore...and then us and our living and work.... -Tears up-
Sam: -Goes to lay her head down on his shoulder and kisses her head- Sh, relax Quinn. -Goes to rub her arm and kisses her head again- We will work it out. We always have my mom.
Quinn: -Nods and goes to lay her head down-
Sam: -Wraps his arms around her and goes to scratch her arm- Think maybe we can avoid talking about school yet Rachel?

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