Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chapter 596.1

An hour later when Sam and Quinn get to Rachel's new home:
Quinn: -Stares at it as they pull up- Wow, he must've been on Broadway for a bit.
Sam: Tell me about it. -Smiles and then goes to get out of the car-
Rachel: -Jogs up to the house when she sees Sam and Quinn- Oh, hey guys.
Sam: -Turns around when he hears her- Rachel, thank you so much.
Rachel: -Smiles- No problem, when I heard your story, I couldn't help but feel bad that you can't have alone time.

Quinn: -Sighs as she gets out- Let me guess, Jesse bought this for you and the baby?
Rachel: Yes, it is our first home.
Quinn: -Sighs as she thinks about it-
Sam: Uhm Rachel, that might not be a good topic right now.
Rachel: Oh, of course. Listen, do you guys need some time?

Sam: I was about to ask for that. Can you also maybe watch Beth? Gives you some practice. I just need to be alone with Quinn.
Rachel: Well, you will be happy to know that you will have plenty of alone time in your basement master bedroom.
Sam: What?
Rachel: We had it renovated because we never knew if a coupled wanted to stay. Also, we kinda liked the idea of having a basement appartment so we did that in case a friend needed a place to live.
Sam: -Chuckles- That is nice.
Rachel: So, stay as long as you like.
Sam: Any rules?
Rachel: You do laundry when it comes to sheets. -Smiles at him-
Sam: -Turns around and smirks at Quinn-
Quinn: -Looks at him- Thanks a lot Rachel.
Rachel: What?

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