Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chapter 587.2

Sam: What are you doing down here Judy?
Judy: I came to tell you that I had a meal ready.
Sam: Well next time do it through a phone call. DIdn't my mom tell you we had a figt and we wnated to be left alone?
Judy: -Sighs- She did but....
Quinn: No buts mom.  Once again, we are married and this is our home. You can't come down here like this. Especially in our room, where I am supposed to be able to be alone with the man I love, my husband without disturbances. -Looks up at Sam smiling-
Sam: -Leans down and kisses her softly- I love you too.
Quinn: -Smiles as she rubs his chest and goes to kiss him slowly-
Sam: -Rubs her arm as he kisses her slowly in their bed-

Judy: I am going to get going okay?
Sam: -Turns to look at her- Oh and by the way I know you used your spare key. I locked the door when we came down.
Judy: I thought....
Quinn: No mom. You have lost the privilege. I want that key back ASAP. When we come upstairs next. Lock the door when youa re upstairs.
Judy: Okay. -Walks away scared-
Sam: -Looks at Quinn and then goes to kiss her softly- I swear, that woman has got to learn. Didn't we tell her all this already? I mean c'mon. We are married. -Gets up and goes to grab a towel-
Quinn: -Looks at him and sighs- Listen, between your parents and my mom. I am not in the mood to socialize upstairs. Want to just let them have Beth and we can stay down here. Maybe take a bath or something?
Sam: I will go start the bath okay? I think what you need right now is a nice massage. Then we will sit in bed together and just relax.
Quinn: -Nods smiling- I will see you see you in the bath okay?
Sam: -Smiles at her and then goes to run a bath for them-
Quinn: -Smiles at her husband, glad to have a day alone to relax with him-

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