Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Chapter 583.1

Once Sam and Quinn are upstairs:
Sam: -Walks in to hear his parents fighting-
Mary: Dwight, you got fired! I mean really, you fought with your boss. It's his shop. You should've listened to him. Do you know how mad Sam is going to be when he hears that you got fired from a job that he got you without any interviews? His friend's dad took his word and you betrayed not only his trust but our son! Think about all the repercutions. He could ask Judy to kick us out and we will be back in a motel. Dwight, can you think next time? I mean, what are we going to tell him? Oh, I did something stupid and a customer got mad so I got fired?

Sam: -Looks at Quinn and nods-
Quinn: -Sighs and goes to see Beth, knowing he is going to be mad-
Sam: -Walks over to the kitchen- Dad, is this true?
Dwight: -Turns around to look at his son- Sam...
Sam: -Looks at his dad- I asked you a simple question! And do not lie to me.
Dwight: Yes, I got fired. I just wanted to do it my way. I mean.....
Sam: No, you listen to me right now and do not get mad at me. Got it?
Dwight: -Gets scared- Yes.

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