Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter 568.3

Mary: Listen, you guys have a big day ahead of you to get ready for tonight. What do you say I take care of Beth and you can go shopping together at Walmart? -Carries their toast over-
Sam: -Smiles- I like that idea. Oh and thanks for breakfast. -Grabs their plate smiling-
Mary: No problem sweetie.
Quinn: -Grabs her toast and starts eating with Sam-
Quinn: Me too and I am glad we are going to have some friends come over.
Sam: First we need to call them all and see what they say.
Quinn: Okay. But lets eat first.

Mary: Lets talk because I am going to help you plan this.
Sam: That is really nice of you mom but....
Mary: I said, I am helping. I want to help with something around here other than babysitting Beth at times.
Quinn: Okay, then lets go eat and then we can get to work.
Sam: Or we can start right now at the table.

Mary: -Smiles and carries them over to the table-
Sam: -Smiles at his mom-
Quinn: Lets do it. -Smiles at Sam and then follows him-
Sam: -Leads her away so that they can plan their get together with their mom's help-

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