Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter 566

Meanwhile at the Smythe appartment:
Sebastian: -In the midst of doing the dishes when he sees Amanda has yet to take her pills- Amanda, get over here or else we ar enot going to the party.
Amanda: -Sitting on the couch, talking on the phone-
Sebastian: Amanda!
Amanda: -Turns around to look at him- What? I am on the phone.
Sebastian: Pills!

Amanda: -Sighs and gets up, going to walk over to him- But Sebastian.
Sebastian: Fine, you don't take tem, give me the phone and I will call the clinic I have set up.
Amanda: Sebastian, you are trying to get rid of me, aren't you?
Sebastian: Hey, of course not. But it is a way to remind you that I am not going to let you near our daughter without your pills.

Amanda: Sebastian, she is my daugter too.
Sebastian: Yes, and I can always divorce you and get full custody.
Amanda: Go ahead and try, my brother...
Sebastian: I can always testify that you don't take your pills. I have evidence. Remember that book I get you to sign every morning?
Amanda: You mean the one that tells your mom you went to work?

Sebastian: That is actually for me. It is a book that I keep everytime you take your pills. If it isn't signed that I know you didn't. -Sighs- Can you just hang up for now?

PC Sam: Um, is everyting okay?
Amanda: -Hears him- I am going to have to call you back okay Sam?
PC Sam: Of course. Deal with what you have to and call me back.
Amanda: -Nods and hangs up siging before looking at Sebastian- Are we going to work this out or am I going to just have to be without you today as you go to the party.
Sebastian: -Sighs- Can we talk about this?
Amanda: I am going to go sit down, come see me. -Walks away-
Sebastian: -Looks at her and sighs, hoping to save the day in a Flash-

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