Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter 553.1

After going upstairs with Beth:
Sam: -Walks into the living room to see Stacey and Stevie playing chess-
Stevie: -Stuck on his move-
Sam: -Walks over- What colour Stevie?
Stevie: Black.

Sam: -Smiles and goes to make a move for him- Checkmate.
Stevie: -Smiles-
Stacey: Not far.
Sam: -Smiles at her- Hey Stevie, do you think you can help me today?
Stevie: What?
Sam: Me and Quinn have to unpack our basement still.

Mary: -Walks out- I think that is a great idea. Gives them something to do.
Sam: Also, you get to be with Beth.
Stacey: How?
Sam: You guys rotate. 1 babysitter, 1 helper.
Mary: Want me to take her?

Sam: I am hoping to use her as a way to bribe them to help.
Quinn: -Comes upstairs with Beth- Bribe them? Nice, you are using our daughter as a bribe.
Sam: -Turns to look at her- Uhm, use her as a bribe? Me....
Quinn: -Chuckles- No getting out of this one honey.
Sam: -Smiles- You want to help us or not?
Quinn: -Smiles at him- Is your mom working today?
Mary: Actually, I was planning to go find a job at the YMCA in a daycare.
Quinn: -Smiles at her- I like that idea. Wait, we would get free daycare right?
Mary: And then I can bring her home at the end of my shift. What woud you guys think about that?
Quinn: -Looks at Sam- Uhm, that does sound like a really nice plan. Sam?

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