Friday, July 17, 2015

Chapter 500

After coming outside to find Sam:
Quinn: -Walks out to see Sam grab a beer-
Sam: -Goes to take a sip of his can, not knowing it is beer-
Quinn: -Walks over to him and stops him- Sam, stop. That's not pop.
Sam: -Hears Quinn and then looks at the beer can- Sorry.

Quinn: How much did you drink already?
Sam: I just opened it.
Quinn: -Sighs and looks at him- Remember, my mom said no alcohol.
Sam: I thought it was a pop, honestly Quinn.
Quinn: I believe you. You are frustrated. I understand. Luckily, you might be happy to hear that I just defended you to Blaine.

Sam: -Looks at her and then goes throw the can of Beer out- Thanks. I am sorry if I am ruining the night. -Goes to grab a juice instead and then walks over to Quinn-
Quinn: -Turns around to lean against the banister- Come here.
Sam: -Goes to stand in front of her and then grabs her neck-
Quinn: -Rubs his chest and goes to kiss him softly- Want to stay or do you just want to go home again and relax?
Sam: -Sighs- I want to be here so bad. I mean, it is a nice party. But I can't stand tensions like that because I am scared it will affect out marriage.

Quinn: -Steps closer to him before putting her hands on his chest-
Sam: -Grabs her waist and then looks at her as he leans in to kiss her softly-
Quinn: -Kisses her husband slowly smiling- I love you Sam and nothing will affect it again. I understand you more and more everyday.
Sam: -Smiles and then kisses her again before going to kiss her neck-
Quinn: -Smiles at him and moans before hearing their names being called-

Finn: -Walks up to them- Sam and Quinn, earth to Sam and Quinn.
Sam: -Turns to look at Finn and breaks the Kiss- Finn?

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