Friday, July 17, 2015

Chapter 489.2

Quinn: Of course, why wouldn't I?
Sam: You are getting a bit sexual in my opinion but its okay. Listen, just let me talk okay?
Quinn: Okay. -Lays her head back and looks up at him before rolling over and leaning down to kiss him- Sorry.
Sam: Just relax now okay?
Quinn: -Chuckles and goes to sit up again, facing away- Go back to it.
Sam: -Wraps his arm around her smiling and grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers before kissing her head- Okay so as I was saying it brings back some bad thoughts right? Some of these are like my financial struggle. Sure Quinn, my parents are in a better place now and I have a job but, it isn't enugh to take you on a date to like McDonalds every weekend or something. I need to save. I have other things to think about now. Beth's education. I need to start saving if she wants to go to Harvard like you. I need to save for a bigger home eventually. A new car soon. I want to get our own van because right now, I am sharing with my parents. And just a lot of stuff I want to save. Quinn, most of the stuff we have in the appartment for  Beth is entire a gift or bought from money given to us by our parents. Quinn, I am not going to just keep taking from them. Eventually, when we are done school, I expect to start paying more of our own bills. Quinn, everything we have down here is paid for by your mom. Water, electricity, phones, tv and everything. It is embarassing.
Quinn: Why is it embarassing?

Sam: Quinn, it's embarassing because a husband is normally expected to provide for his family. Quinn, I am depending on my parents to get us a home and they pay for most of what we have. Quinn, we are going to be in debt to our parents before we are even done school.
Quinn: Sam, I am sure they will forgive us with our situation.
Sam: I hope so. It just worries me a lot because I mean, everything here was bought by your mom really. Quinn, I am a little ashamed of myself. I mean, I am asking them to babysit for us to spend time with you when your mom has been nothing but too generous to us with all the funding.
Quinn: -Sighs- Sam, is there more at all?
Sam: Uhm, there is stuff like me still wanting to have a social life but I am starting to regret writing it down now.
Quinn: No sweetie, tell me. I promise not to get mad.
Sam: -Nods and goes to check what he wrote-

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